Newsletter 14 2021

Dear Parents/Caregivers, Students, Staff, and Friends of St Raphael’s School,
School Disco
The term is quickly drawing to a close and we have so much more planned for our school community. Next Friday 17 September we are holding our annual school Disco led by our senior Year 6 leaders. This is a big event for us, and all money raised will go towards supporting MercyWorks. Please support us in allowing your child/ren to participate in this wonderful school community event. Thank you to Mr Sicari for his leadership in organising the Disco. Rest assured that students will be supervised, by teachers from their arrival until the conclusion of the Disco. The Disco begins at 6:15 pm and concludes at 7:45 pm and students will be provided with a fruit box and a snack. This event is for St Raphael’s School students only.
Scholastic Book Fair
The Book Fair has been organised for our families beginning today Wednesday 8 September and concluding Friday 10 September. The fair this year will be somewhat different to previous years as parents/caregivers have the option of ordering books online. Students will bring home a Wish List and if parents/caregivers want to purchase any items they can do so following the instructions detailed on the Wish List form. Information about the Book Fair was sent home on Monday and there are further details in the body of this newsletter.
Parents and Friends News
Our Parents and Friends, led by Gaia Ricci organised our recent Father’s Day, Special VIPs stall as a service to our community. I thank her for her leadership and commitment and to the two parent helpers, Nadine Pike and Kate Corr who ran the stall last week. I am sure that all dads, grand-dads, and special VIPs were delighted with their surprise gift.
Building Development Update
I met with INCA Building Constructions and Studio 9 Architects last week and am happy to announce that we will begin our refurbishment of the first stage of our building development on Saturday 25 September. This is exciting news and well worth the wait. I have been told that the project once begun, will conclude within 10 weeks. I am hoping that our senior students may spend the last week of term 4 upstairs in the two-storey building, if all goes according to plan!
Staffing News
Jeanette Archer is currently on leave until the end of this term and we have appointed Adrian Mastrangelo in her stead. We look forward to Jeanette’s return next term.
I wrote in the last newsletter that we will once again offer single streamed classes next year and this is possible due to additional funding from the Enhancing Catholic Schools Project.
I am happy to announce that we have organised some of our teaching staff for 2022. Fr Denis Travers, Marianne Farrugia, Kelly Manera and I recently held interviews for teaching positions, and I wish to announce that Anthony Sicari, Elizabeth Bello and Sarah Edson will be returning next year. Ashleigh Behrendt has accepted a teaching position at St Michael’s College, Junior School, beginning in 2022.
We congratulate our teachers on their teaching appointments.
I remind families that if their circumstances change and students will not be returning next year, except for the graduating Year 6 class, that parents/caregivers need to contact the school as per the enrolment policy and provide a term’s notice.
With every best wish,
Mia Harms

Welcome to Week 8! We have officially commenced the season of Spring and the blossoms have begun sprouting which is always a welcomed sight. This time also marks the Season of Creation, an annual Christian celebration of prayer and action for our common home. Together, the ecumenical family around the world can unite to advocate and protect God’s creation. We look to Pope Francis and St Francis of Assisi as role models and leaders advocating for the protection of the gift of creation. I share below a few lines from the Canticle of Creation, a prayer of praise for the Creator God.
Be praised, my Lord, for all your creation and especially for our Brother Sun, who brings us the day and the light; he is strong and shines magnificently.
Be praised, my Lord, for Sister Moon, and for the stars which you have set shining and lovely in the heavens.
Be praised, my Lord, for our Brothers Wind and Air and every kind of weather by which you, Lord, uphold life in all your creatures.
Be praised, my Lord, for Sister Earth, our Mother, who nourishes us and sustains us, bringing forth fruits and vegetables of many kinds and flowers of many colours.
Mercy Week: Term 3 Week 10
We will conclude the term with a Mercy week focus. Plans are under way to acknowledge our Mercy charism and engage in charitable works. On Wednesday afternoon our Year 6 students will be running stalls as part of their business studies with funds raised will assist Mercy Works, led by Sisters of Mercy in Australia and Papua New Guinea. Other meaningful activities across the week will be planned to raise awareness for our students. On Friday, the whole school will spend the day at the Monastery, commencing with a Mercy Day Mass as well as visit through the gardens, Church and Stations of the Cross.
We thank Father Denis and the parish for their hospitality.
Sacramental Program: Reconciliation preparation
This evening we will be commencing the second round of Reconciliation preparation for those children interested in celebrating this Sacrament in 2021. Early next year, the children will prepare for both the Sacraments of Confirmation and First Communion. The parent only information session this evening will be held at the Monastery at 7pm.
Father Denis visits
We welcome Father Denis back from holidays and look forward to him continuing to visit the classrooms sharing his wisdom, passion and PowerPoint presentations linking with the learning of Religious Education in each of the year levels. Today he spoke with our Year 3 and Year 4 students about the Mass and the vestments priests wear.
Diocesan Assembly
Mia and I will be representing our school at the upcoming Diocesan Assembly. It is a gathering of representatives from the various communities and agencies of the Archdiocese of Adelaide where the life of the Church will be discussed and recommendations offered. This assembly will also help prepare for the upcoming Plenary Council.
The Southern Cross
Please find attached the link to the latest edition of The Southern Cross.
God bless,
Kelly Manera
Assistant Principal Religious Identity and Mission

Catholic Schools Touch Football Carnival
Last week, 43 students from Year 3-6 competed in the annual Catholic Schools Touch Carnival. Our school was represented most admirably by each and every member of the 3 boys’ teams and 3 girls’ teams that competed on the day. Thank you to the following parents who assisted with coaching/supervision/managing of students on the day: Umit Gencturk and Emma Alexander. Many thanks also to the following staff members for their assistance: Anthony Sicari, David Monti and Sarah Edson. Finally, thank you to our Pre-Service Teachers – Massimo Paradiso, Daniel Gilligan and Curtis Ding, for their assistance with supervision and refereeing. Taking this many students off-site into a public setting is a big undertaking – without the help of the parent volunteers and staff members mentioned above, it would not be possible – many thanks again!
Well done to the following students who represented our school so admirably:
Isla A, Amy S, Ebony N, Caroline S, Jacob J, James C, Manny G, Jemima McI, Loraine C, Elaine G, Luella R, Luca L, Ethan T, Maxim M, David M, Nathan F, Nicholas P, Savannah D, Mia K, Gracie N, Milla W, Georgia A, Natalia S, Holly K, Lucy D-P, Ashton C, Roman R, Aiden B, Sidney D, Ada L, Naomi T, Sara M, Rebecca S, Angela M, Hugo N, Alessandro C, Xavier R, Josh McK, Lucas S, Zane G, Winjeth N and Archie N
SAPSASA Soccer State Carnival
As mentioned in our last newsletter, four Year 6 students from St Raphael’s School were selected to represent our local school district in the SAPSASA Soccer State Carnival that was held last week from 1 – 3 September. Sienna C and Ada L were chosen in the girls’ team and Alessandro C and Xavier R in the boys’ team. They competed against other district teams (metropolitan and country) from across the entire state in the top division. Congratulations to the girls’ team and the boys’ team who finished second and third respectively. A magnificent effort, Sienna, Ada, Alessandro and Xavier!
School Soccer Medallions and Soccer Skills Certificates – Presentation At Assembly
The presentation of participation medallions and certificates for those students who played school soccer this winter season and also for those students who participated in the Soccer Skills Program during this term, will be made during our school Assembly on Friday 17 September.
Kelly Sports – Term 4 After School Program
Kelly Sports, an outsourced sports provider, will be offering a 5-week sports program for interested students across all year levels in Term 4. It will be held after school on Tuesdays on the school courts from 3:15 – 4:15pm and the focus skill theme will be BASKETBALL/NETBALL. The program will commence on Tuesday 19 October. The cost of the program is $66. Registration / payment is an online process. The flyer is available here.
Jeanette Archer
PE and Sport Coordinator

Sushi Special Lunch - orders close tomorrow Thursday 9 September
To celebrate our Japanese Spring Festival on Thursday 16 September, we are having a sushi special lunch.
Order forms were sent home with each child last week and orders close tomorrow Thursday 9 September. Please note late orders cannot be accepted.
Emma Alexander
Canteen Manager
In Year 1, we have been working on being responsible for our learning this term when we work by ourselves, or with others.
I take charge of my learning
I use my initiative

This term, Year 6 students have been learning about Economics and Business, and they have organised a fair for St Raphael’s School students on Wednesday 22 September (Week 10). The fair will run for about an hour commencing at 1:45pm and students will be able to visit stalls run by Year 6 students. There will be finska, bowling, dancing, cupcakes, lemonade and more. All monies raised will be donated to MercyWorks who support disadvantaged communities around Australia. Please support our Year 6 entrepreneurs and Mercy Works by sending your child to the fair with some money to spend at the stalls. Thank you.

The Kiss 'N' Drop Zone can, at times, be very hectic and experience lots of high traffic movement! For the safety of all our pedestrians and vehicular traffic we ask that you follow these simple guidelines AT ALL TIMES when entering and exiting the Kiss 'N' Drop area.
- Do not exceed the 5km per hour speed limit.
- Always be alert for pedestrians, particularly at the entrance and exit and give way should they need to cross.
- Please do not allow children to exit/enter while you are in the right hand over taking lane, move over to the left hand lane.
- Children are to enter and alight from the left side of the car only.
- Children must be able to get into the car and put on their own seat belt while the driver remains in the car.
- If your child cannot alight from the car by themselves you will need to park in the surrounding streets and walk into the school.
- For the sake of our neighbors and the Unley Council, please do not queue on Macklin Street, please go around the block and queue on Kenilworth Road.
- To ensure the smooth flow of traffic in this zone, please DO NOT leave your car unattended.
- To all parents and carers, please be considerate of other users and remember that the KISS ‘N’ DROP is a NO PARKING ZONE.
- Students are to only use the first front gate on arrival and departure at all times.
Staff are on duty until 3:30pm. If you are unable to collect your child by this time please contact the school and your child will be looked after in Out of School Hours Care (OSHC) until you arrive. A minimal cost will occur for this service.
The Scholastic Book Fair commences today, Wednesday 8 September and concludes on Friday 10 September.
This year our Book Fair will need to be run a bit differently due to COVID restrictions, as we are limited in allowing parents on site in large numbers. We will run the fair as follows:
Wednesday 8 September
Fair will be set up and a video posted online for you to view.
Thursday 9 September
Each class will visit the fair and students can take a Brochure and Wish List form home detailing the items they wish to purchase.
Parents/Caregivers can then make payment for approved purchases online (details on the Wish List form). Wish List form to be given to students to bring to school on Friday.
Parents/Caregivers can send cash with students on Friday to pay for items.
Parents/Caregivers can contact the school before 4pm to pay for items by credit card over the phone. Items will be sent home with students on Friday.
Friday 10 September
Students bring completed Wish List form or cash to school to purchase items. Items will be sent home with students.
Parents/Caregivers can contact the school to pay for items by credit card over the phone. Items will be sent home with students on Friday.
Please contact the office if you require further clarification.
Wendy Davey
Administration Officer/Library Manager
Important Dates
Book Fair commences
Year 3 Excursion
School Photos
Japanese Spring Festival
School Disco
Year 2 Excursion
Mercy Fair led by Year 6
Catholic Schools Music Festival
Mercy Day Monastery Excursion
Term 3 concludes
Term 4 commences
Premier's Reading Challenge

Congratulations to Isla B, Henry F, Samuel F, Gabriella G, Mackenzie H, William H, Jake J, Audrey S, Murray S, Renee S, Hendrick B, Daniel G, Violet T, Angelique A, Amelia C, Ben H, James B, Mia K, Amy S, James C, Herbie S, Zane G, Nate G, Xavier R, Aiden B, Isla A, Harry E, Savannah D, Angela M, Mila M, Manny G, Christopher K, Ebony N, Jacob J, Anna F, Maxim M, Hugo S, Luca L and Ada L. These students have completed their challenge. Well done!
Parish Bulletin

The latest Parish Bulletin is available here.
Disco Friday 17 September


Pictured left to right are Sienna C, Xavier R, Alessandro C and Ada L. To find out more about their recent achievements please go to Jeanette Archer's Sports Report in the this edition of our newsletter.
OSHC families, please remember once you enter the school grounds to close the gate behind you. Too often the gate is left open. This is to keep all our children safe. Thank you for your support.