Newsletter 16 2021
Dear Parents/Caregivers, Students, Staff, and Friends of St Raphael’s School,
Welcome to Term 4
This term is always bittersweet as we say goodbye to our Year 6 students and to their families. Our young leaders and their families have journeyed with us over the last seven years and will be moving on to their new school to begin their secondary education. During their last year as Year 6 leaders, we provide a number of leadership opportunities and all Year 6 students have taken on their additional responsibilities with maturity and given back to our school community. Like their parents/caregivers, we are very proud of their achievements.
Staffing News
I am happy to announce that Damian Emery has been appointed as the Finance Officer/ Bursar replacing Ms Jodi Jansons. Damian comes highly qualified and experienced in the field of school finance management. We wish him well as he begins his work with us next week. In the meanwhile, if parents/caregivers have any queries regarding school finance, please contact the Office.
Jeanette Archer has also announced her retirement and will be leaving St Raphael’s School at the end of this year. Jeanette has held a few roles over the course of the last 22 years whilst employed at St Raphael’s School; Class Teacher, Physical Education Specialist and Coordinator, as well as working in our OHSC. Jeanette will be leaving a great legacy of our school’s active involvement in many sporting carnivals and events, and she will be greatly missed by us all.
Amanda Rugari has won a permanent fulltime Music/Performing Arts teaching position in a Secondary Department for Education School, beginning in 2022. This is exciting news for her as she begins her new role in 2022. She too has led our school in their involvement in the Catholic Schools Music Festival for the last 9 years and will also be missed.
I am currently conducting interviews for the PE and Performing Arts teaching roles and will announce newly appointed staff in the next newsletter.
Canteen Use
Last week, families were informed with the news that Emma Alexander, our Canteen Manager for the last 2 years, has won at position at Christian Brothers College as the Junior School Canteen Manager beginning this week. We have been in negotiations with ‘Eat on Glen Osmond’ and they are able to provide quality lunches for our students. Parents/Caregivers will have the opportunity to order lunch orders via the Qkr App and lunches will be delivered to us on Thursdays and Fridays. The St Raphael’s Canteen will remain open for business at lunch time on Thursday and Fridays only selling ice blocks and snacky foods. Our Year 6 leaders are excited about helping in the Canteen. If there are any parents/caregivers who would like to volunteer in the Canteen, please let us know as your assistance will be greatly appreciated. If you do not have a current Working with Children Check, the Office staff will help organise this for you.
Parents Onsite
I continue to restrict parents/caregivers on school site and ask that when parents need to be on site, that you use the COVID Safe Check In QR code and continue to wear a mask. This is about keeping everyone safe. Thank you for your cooperation.
ThinkUKnow Parent Educative Evening
The Parents and Friends have organised a ‘ThinkUKnow' parent educative evening to be held on Thursday 28 October beginning at 6:30pm. This is an important opportunity to learn about our young people and the online environment. Students in Year 5 and Year 6 will be involved in a session during the day and all parents/caregivers are strongly encouraged to attend in the evening. For more information, you can visit
With every best wish,
Mia Harms

Dear Parents and Caregivers,
A warm welcome back to everyone as we commence Term 4! As I write this newsletter, I am thankful for the sun shining and the new growth sprouting from the trees and flowers in my garden. This is the everlasting gift of creation that I am always so grateful for.
Mercy Week Celebrations and Monastery Visit
On the feeling of gratitude, I feel blessed to share with you all the wonderful whole school experience we shared at the Monastery on the final day of school last term. To conclude our Mercy Week focus we celebrated a connected day with our Parish priests, staff and students on the stunning Monastery grounds at Glen Osmond. The Mercy Day Mass, led beautifully by Fr Denis, captured some of the learning students explored in their class prayers and activities. Across the course of the week students learned about our school history, mercy values and life of Sr Catherine McAuley. At our visit, students and staff were treated with tours of the Memorial Garden, St Paul of the Cross Church and the Stations of the Cross statues. The day concluded with sporting activities on the very ‘large’ oval led by our wonderful Year 6 students. We thank Fr Denis and the team for their hospitality and know that the children really enjoyed their day!
As part of our Mercy Week focus, our Year 6 students also ran very successful stalls and activities at the Mercy Fair and their efforts contributed to our school raising $338 towards Mercy Works. This is an organisation that is the development arm of the Sisters of Mercy in Australia and Papua New Guinea who work in partnership with vulnerable communities and local organisations domestically and abroad. Thank you to students and their families for their generosity. Last week we also received a letter of thanks and certificate of appreciation for our Year 3 students who baked cookies with messages of love to give to Fred’s Van. We heard the biscuits were a hit!
Sacramental Program: Reconciliation preparation
Last week we had our first Reconciliation session with our young people and their parents. In this cycle we have four children from St Raphael’s School preparing for this Sacrament. We ask you keep Georgia, Mia, Elaine and Leo in your prayers. Our next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 3rd November. We hope to also meet and introduce our new Pastoral Associate, Sue Schulz, who will commence working next week. She will become a familiar face in our school and we warmly welcome her to our community.
The Southern Cross
Please find attached the link to the latest edition of The Southern Cross. This edition includes some of the key initiatives developed from the Diocesan Assembly which we attended on behalf of our school and parish community. The gathering was an insightful and meaningful opportunity to dialogue on issues facing our Catholic community. Many considerations generated at this gathering will also be forwarded by our Adelaide representatives attending the Plenary Council.
St Paul of the Cross Feast Day
On Sunday, our Parish celebrated the Feast of St Paul of the Cross who founded the Passionists in 1721. He spoke often on the Passion of Jesus and was a vibrant preacher who valued ‘retreats’. The Monastery, where the Passionists live in Adelaide, espouse much of St Paul of the Cross’ mission and vision. As a school community we value our strong bond and connection to the Passionist order and have come to know them well from our weekly visits by Fr Denis Travers.
Lord Jesus, we thank You for the great mystery of Your Passion, Death and Resurrection. Thank you for listening to our prayers and for fulfilling the will of Your Father each day in our lives and in the lives of those we love. Amen
God bless,
Kelly Manera
Assistant Principal Religious Identity and Mission

Term 4 Cricket Resumes
Second half of the cricket season resumes this term for our school cricketers. Our Master Blaster team managed to play their game at Unley Oval, despite the wet weather conditions of last week. Not so for our C Grade cricketers who are combining with Mitcham Primary this term – unfortunately their games were cancelled due to wet pitches. With improved weather forecast, their season should get underway this coming Saturday.
Catholic Schools Athletics Carnival
We have nearly 40 students from Years 3 to 6 preparing for the Catholic Schools Athletics Carnival, which will be held on Tuesday 2 November at Athletics SA Stadium. Many thanks to parents/caregivers for supporting your children, ensuring that they arrive for early morning trainings on Tuesdays and Wednesdays leading into the carnival.
Kelly Sports Basketball/Netball Program
Our Term 4 sports program being run by outsourced group, Kelly Sports, commenced yesterday. It’s great to see nearly 30 students from Reception to Year 6 involved, with a focus on developing their fundamental motor skills associated with the games of basketball and netball.
Congratulations to twins, Alessandro and Sienna C (Year 6) on their recent achievements in their chosen sport of soccer. Both of them have been fortunate to play both club soccer and participate in Football S.A. Development Programs over the past few years. After participating in trials last month, Alessandro was selected for the Football SA U13 Boys State Squad for 2022. Sienna C was selected for the Football SA U14 Girls State Squad for 2022. They will now play in a full time State program which comprises of 3-4 sessions/games a week, further developing their skills with other elite soccer players of the same age. A wonderful achievement, Sienna and Alessandro!
Jeanette Archer
P.E. and Sport Coordinator

In Year 2 we have been learning and investigating about the world around us in Science and HASS. Students have developed an understanding about the connection of places and people from around the world, and specifically in Australia. Year 2 learners created an Aboriginal Water Story artwork with the help of our Aboriginal Artist in residence. Students then reflected on their art through their artists statements as they described the importance of water for all people and how they created their painting.
In Year 2 collaborative learning continues to build strong relationships between learners where they feel confident to share their knowledge and understanding. Furthermore, students develop problem solving skills as they find solutions together. It has been amazing to witness the positive learner community in 2B this semester as they challenge their understandings in new concepts.
This term we continue to grow our ideas about a healthy mind and body. We are learning that we all have many talents and strengths and we should celebrate this! Students have thought about ways they can enhance a Growth Mindset as they reflected on their own amazing brains with their brain artwork. Students used adjectives to describe themselves as they created their own unique art in the shape of their brain.
We are looking forward to an amazing Term 4.

Eat on Glen Osmond
Commencing tomorrow, Thursday 21 October, Eat on Glen Osmond will be providing lunch orders for our students on Thursdays and Fridays.
The menu is available here and please place your orders and pay via the Qkr App.
Students can still purchase ice blocks and other snack foods from the school Canteen at lunch time on Thursdays and Fridays. Cash only sales.

Please RSVP via our online form here
Our school is hosting a ThinkUKnow presentation on Thursday 28 October at 6:30pm and all parents and carers are encouraged to attend and asked to RSVP.
ThinkUKnow Australia is an evidence based education program delivered nationally to prevent online child sexual exploitation.
ThinkUKnow Australia is a partnership between the Australian Federal Police, Microsoft Australia, Datacom and the Commonwealth Bank of Australia. The program is delivered in collaboration with policing partners New South Wales Police Force, Northern Territory Police, Queensland Police, South Australia Police, Tasmania Police, Western Australia Police, as well as Neighbourhood Watch Australasia.
The presentation will be delivered by a local law enforcement member and an industry volunteer. The presentation is pro-technology and addresses topics including self-generated online child sexual exploitation material, online grooming, image-based abuse, sexual extortion, and importantly encourages help seeking behaviour.
This is a fantastic opportunity for you to learn more about young people and the online environment, and how you can help them to be safe and responsible users of technology.
Thank you to Gaia and the Parents and Friends Committee for organising this valuable event.

The Parents and Friends Committee warmly invite the whole school community to meet, relax, chat, eat and watch the children play!
Marshmallow Playground, Glen Osmond Rd
Sunday 14 November, 2pm - 4pm
BYO afternoon tea.
Important Dates
Dance Program (Week 3)
ThinkUKnow parent educative event
Athletics Carnival Years 3-6
Year 6 Port Hughes Camp commences
Little Raphs Program Visit 1
Little Raphs Program Visit 2
Water Safety Program commences
Little Raphs Program Visit 3
Whole School End of Year Mass
Christmas Gathering
Little Raphs Program Visit 4
Years 4 and 5 AFL Max Excursion
Graduation Mass
Term 4 concludes
Parish Bulletin

Please read the latest Parish Bulletin which is available here.

Marshmallow Playground
Glen Osmond Road
Sunday 14 November
2pm to 4pm
ThinkUKnow parent educative event

Our school is hosting a ThinkUKnow presentation on 28 October at 6:30pm and all parents and carers are encouraged to attend and asked to RSVP via the online form found here, proudly brought to your by our Parent and Friends Committee.