Newsletter 6 2021

Dear Parents/Caregivers, Students, Staff, and Friends of St Raphael’s School,
This year is a significant year for Catholic Education as we celebrate our bicentenary of educating children and young people in Australia. This week is particularly significant as we celebrate Catholic Education Week. Later this month, 24 May, on the feast of Our Lady Help of Christians, a National Mass will be celebrated across all states, territories, and dioceses to commemorate 200 years of Catholic Education in Australia. Mass in South Australia will be celebrated in the St Francis Xavier Cathedral and Archbishop Patrick O’Regan will be presiding. Every Catholic School community will be represented in some way and our two Year 6 Student Ambassadors, Ada L and Hugo N will be representing our community.
This year, Catholic Education SA is focussing on promoting our free mid-year intake for Reception students. You may have noticed this information is promoted on our website and on our front electronic sign. This is one of many initiatives announced by the South Australian Commission for Catholic Schools (SACCS) to reduce the financial burden on families. All Diocesan schools will offer the 2021 Term 3 Reception intake to parents free of charge.
As we begin the new term, I was reflecting on this time last year, and how differently our school term had begun. At that time, I had written to our families and like you, was worried about COVID -19 and how that had affected our school and the wider community. So much has passed since then, and as a community we came through positively and our students and teachers learned a few things about resilience. We continue to have processes in place, and I remind parents/caregivers to use the COVID-Safe Check-in QR code clearly visible on gates and doors, when entering our school site. All staff and other visitors are required to do the same on entering the school.
I thank our Parents and Friends, led by Gaia Ricci, Chair of the Parents and Friends, in their service of organising a Mother’s Day gift for students to purchase today. I also thank, Toni Bonython, Kirstie Coultas and Pam Waters who supported this initiative and helped run the stall.
On Friday, parents/caregivers are invited to the Mother’s Day, Special VIP’s Liturgy at 9:00 am reflecting on Mary, mother of Jesus as a role model for us all. Please RSVP here if you can join us. Following the Liturgy, all visitors are invited to morning tea.
Wishing all mothers, grandmothers, and special women in our lives a very happy Mother's Day on Sunday.
With every best wish,
Mia Harms

Welcome back to Term 2. I trust you all had a wonderful break and are back into the routine of school life. I am sure you have noticed the change in season and the stunning display of colourful leaves scattered around the school and streets. Liturgically, we are still embracing the Easter season, known as Eastertide, the period of 50 days, spanning from Easter Sunday to Pentecost Sunday. Many of our classes will spend some time reflecting on Pentecost which occurs on Sunday 23 May, learning about what the disciples experienced on that day, further exploration of the Holy Spirit and how the early Christian Church came to be.
Catholic Education Week
This week we celebrate Catholic Education Week. We are thankful for the blessings Catholic Education provides our young people and their families. We are especially grateful for the beautiful school community of which we are a part of here at St Raphael’s. In conjunction to Catholic Education Week, 2021 marks 200 years of Catholic Education in Australia. A Mass will be held at the Cathedral in the coming weeks to mark this occasion. The leadership team and two of our students will attend to represent our school. Today we gathered for a whole school photo in the shape of ‘200’ to mark this milestone. More initiatives will be run across the course of the year. Stay tuned!
Sacramental Program: Reconciliation
The Parish held the first family evening for our young people preparing for the Sacrament of Reconciliation this term. The students were also presented to the Parish at the weekend Masses. Our next gathering will be on Wednesday 19 May at 6:30pm at the Monastery. If you have a child interested in celebrating their Reconciliation this year, we will be offering a second opportunity in the latter half of the year. Please contact Pauline Connell at the Parish Office if you require further information.
Deacon Tony Simbel’s Ordination
On Saturday 15 May Deacon Tony Simbel, will be ordained a Passionist priest by the Most Reverend Archbishop Patrick O’Regan at 11am at the Monastery. This is a significant event for our Parish and you are warmly invited to attend. Please visit the Parish website for the booking link.
Mother’s Day and Special VIP Liturgy
We invite all our mothers, special VIP’s and family members to our whole school Liturgy this coming Friday in the Hall at 9:00am. After our Liturgy, led by Father Denis, we invite our visitors to join us for morning tea in the courtyard. I wish all our mothers, grandmothers and special women in our lives a wonderful day on Sunday. I trust you will be spoilt with love and kind words for all that you do.
I leave you with some gorgeous sentiments from our youngsters.
Gabby - I love my mummy because she helps me to make toffee apples.
Riley - I love my mum because she hugs me and loves me lots.
Jake - My mum is special because she kisses me goodnight and always has a smile on her face.
Mackenzie - My mum is special because she has good jokes and gives me lots of hugs.
O Loving God, bless all mothers. Bless their forgiving hearts, their open arms and their welcome smiles. Nurture their souls, as they nurture ours. May they always be beloved and cherished. Amen.
God bless,
Kelly Manera
Assistant Principal Religious Identity and Mission

Since Easter, the COVID-19 restrictions have been altered to allow greater numbers in churches. We look forward to reinstating Children’s Liturgy of the Word at the 5:00pm Sunday Mass at St Paul’s this term. Come along and listen to the Gospel and reflection in child-friendly language.
One of the Sacraments of the church is Holy Orders – or as we more usually call it Ordination. The Passionist community is very exited to join with Deacon Tony as he celebrates his Ordination on 15 May at St Paul’s. We thank God that Tony has answered this call and ask that God continues to guide and support him as he begins his life as a priest.
We honour our mothers and all women who guide and care for us this weekend. May God bless them and their families.
Pauline Connell
Pastoral Associate

Learner Agency
Reflecting on the Student/Parent/Teacher Learning Conversations
Late last term, you will have had the opportunity to engage in a learning conversation with your child and their teacher/s. This model is an important one it brings together all the stakeholders in your child’s learning to discuss achievements, challenges, and next steps. As parents and caregivers, and as teachers, we are partners in the children’s learning along with the child, and it is important to remember that it is their learning.
I recently heard the statement ‘Don’t talk about me without me’ and it made me think about this idea of agency. Children, like all of us, are agents of their own learning and have been since the moment of birth. Learner agency can be thought of as taking an active part in one’s learning, rather than be passive recipients of it – essentially it is owning one’s own learning. You might remember how tiny infants cry to have their needs met, or how a child, determined to move more effectively, learns to crawl or walk. This drive to learn is inherent in who we are as humans and, in a school environment, needs to be fostered and embraced.
At St Raphael’s School we are focusing on enabling learner agency in a number of ways such as having learners co-construct success criteria with their teachers so they can have a say in identifying what success in learning looks like. Our learners are reflecting on their own growth and how they are using their learner dispositions to help them learn and understand themselves better as learners.
Next time you engage in a learning conversation with your child, you might like to ask them what excites them about their learning, what they really want to learn next, or get better at it. Ask them what learning achievements they have had and how they made that happen. Help them to recognise that learning isn’t for the teacher or for you as parents or carers, their learning is their own and will help them thrive in life.
Marianne Farrugia
Assistant Principal – Director of Learning

School Soccer
Winter Sport commences this coming Saturday with several of our Year 2 to Year 5 students participating in school soccer teams. We will be combining with nearby schools, Burnside Primary and St Joseph’s Norwood to form teams. The main aim of school sport is to give all students, irrespective of ability, an opportunity to participate. The emphasis is on maximum participation, having fun and learning skills along the way. A note will be sent home today containing relevant details for the upcoming season. Please ensure that you receive that information from your child.
Soccer Trainings
If your child has after school soccer training and the session is cancelled due to poor weather or other circumstances, a message will be posted by 2:00pm that day on Skoolbag App. Alternatively, parents can contact the school directly after 2:00pm to determine whether training will go ahead. Alternative care arrangements must be made for siblings of students not actually involved in the training session, as there is no supervision provided for them.
Congratulations to Lucas S (Year 6) on his recent achievements in his chosen sport of gymnastics.
Lucas competed in Gymnastics SA State Championships at Titanium Arena in early April. He competed in the Men’s Artistic Gymnastics (MAG) Level 3 Open Competition taking home 4 medals and placing 2nd overall. The competition requires all gymnasts to compete over 6 disciplines. Lucas placed 1st for Parallel Bars, 2nd for Floor Routine, 3rd for Rings, 3rd for Vault, 4th for High Bar and 6th for Pommel Horse. This was definitely a very successful competition for Lucas after a long break competing due to COVID. Lucas, you can be very proud of your magnificent achievement! Well done!
Jeanette Archer
P.E. and Sport Coordinator

Reminder school fees
Instalment Term 1 - Due Date 1st March– Overdue
Instalment Term 2 - Due Date 1st May – Overdue
Instalment Term 3 - Due Date 1st August
Instalment Term 4 - Due Date 1st November
Families are reminded to adhere to payment terms.
If you have any queries regarding school fees, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Thank you
Jodi Jansons
Finance Officer
Ph: 8272 2368

Congratulations to Sam in Reception and his family who have welcomed their new baby named Eve.
Important Dates
Catholic Education Week commences
Principal’s Tour
Mother's Day Liturgy
NAPLAN Writing
NAPLAN Reading and Conventions of Language
NAPLAN Numeracy
Growing with Gratitude
NAPLAN (catch up)
School Board Meeting
Principal’s Tour
Growing with Gratitude
Growing with Gratitude
Principal’s Tour
Growing with Gratitude
Lacrosse Carnival
Queen's Birthday Public Holiday

Next week our students in Years 3 and 5 will participate in the NAPLAN (National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy) Assessments. As part of their learning, students have been preparing for these assessments. We encourage our students to do their best on the day and we remind parents/caregivers that the NAPLAN data collected demonstrates a small snapshot of student learning and understanding. Parents/Caregivers will receive their child/ren’s results later this year.

Parish Bulletin

To read the latest Parish Bulletin please click here.
Mother's Day Stall

Thank you to Toni, Pam and Kirstie (pictured) for volunteering to run our Mother's Day Stall this morning and to Gaia for organising this event for our school community.
Year 2M Class Page

Miss Marzilli's students have had a busy start to Term 2. You can find our more here.
Premier's Reading Challenge

Congratulations to the following students who have completed their challenge: Holly K, Caroline S, Lucas S, Nicholas P, Alessandro C, Naomi T, Roman R, Joshua R, Loraine C, Mackenzie H and Mia P.
Working Bee

Our Parents and Friends Committee will be holding a working bee on the afternoon of Saturday 19 June from 1pm to 4pm. We would love to see as many of our families on the day as can make it. Children are welcome to help or play. Please bring your gardening tools including spades, shovels, weeding gear, gloves etc. We will be providing a delicious and well earned afternoon tea for all our kind volunteers.
Congratulations Lucas

Congratulations to Lucas S in Year 6 on his amazing achievements in gymnastics. See Jeanette Archer's Sports Report in this newsletter for more information.
Reporting an Absence

To report your child's absence please contact the school office by either email, phoning the school 8272 2368 or via the Skoolbag App. We ask parents not to use Seesaw to report absences.
Scholastic Book Club

Scholastic Book Club orders are due by Thursday 13 May. We are unable to accept late orders.