Newsletter 8 2021

Dear Parents/Caregivers, Students, Staff, and Friends of St Raphael’s School,
On Sunday we celebrated the ‘Holy Trinity’. The Trinity represents the belief that God is one, but is experienced in three different ways, through the Holy Spirit, through Jesus and through God. The word ‘trinity comes from the word ‘tri’ meaning ‘three’ and ‘unity’ meaning ‘one’. Catholics believe that there are three distinct Persons to our one God; Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and these Persons form a unity. Essentially, God’s unconditional love, God’s embrace and God’s joy is lived within us and through us.
This week I will be away attending the annual South Australian Catholic Primary Principal’s Conference entitled, ‘Outstanding Leadership for Excellent Schools’. I have been privileged to have been part of the organising committee and this has entailed collaborating with other SA Catholic school leaders. This year’s conference is centred on leaders' understanding of collective leadership, and building the capacity of our schools to become excellent schools within Catholic Education. As leaders we are striving to provide a quality education that will enable our students to ‘grow’ into ‘thriving people, capable learners and leaders for the world God desires’. Our collective mission is to make Catholic schools excellent, and this has meant delving deeper into our current practices and pedagogies in our local context.
At St Raphael’s School we have been tracking our student data and looking for academic growth for each student. Deborah Hansen, Numeracy Coach, has been leading our teachers to ‘grow’ their students in mathematical knowledge, application and transfer. Marianne Farrugia, AP Director of Learning, has been leading teachers to ensure that their curriculum learning design and delivery is high quality so each student can progress and thrive in their learning.
Marianne and I conduct regular ‘learning walks’ through all learning areas and our main objective is to talk to students about their learning. Students always surprise us with their insight and their desire to learn.
With every best wish,
Mia Harms

National Mass celebrating 200 of Catholic Education
Last Monday Mia, Marianne and I, with two of our student leaders, Ada and Hugo, had the pleasure of attending the South Australian Mass for the bicentenary of Catholic Education in Australia. It was held on the solemnity of Our Lady Help of Christians. Archbishop Patrick O’Regan presided the Mass, at St Francis Xavier Cathedral, for over 500 staff and students from Catholic schools. His powerful homily reflected on Mary being a woman of action as well as recognising the work of trailblazers such as Saint Mary of the Cross MacKillop and Father Tenison Woods. He encouraged all those serving in our Catholic schools and parishes to continue to be inspired by the gift of the spirit, the wind, as he termed it, in our work of education, outreach and mission.
Knitting Initiative
We are keen to commence a knitting club with our students, families and parishioners, and are looking for adults to be involved. Our plan is to make a simple beanie for students and those in need. There will be options to either knit a beanie at home, come together in the parish to knit and chat, or meet at school at times where you can sit alongside a student and teach them to knit. If this interests you or someone in your family, please contact me via the school office. We are also seeking any donations of 8ply wool (any colours) and 4.00mm (UK size 8) needles. We intend that our students initially can learn to knit a scarf for someone in need.
Vinnies Winter Appeal
Thank you for the donations that have been made already to our Vinnies Winter Appeal. Currently we are seeking donations of clothing, toys, scarfs, books, blankets and useful household items. Donations can be placed in the Vinnies bins located outside the school office. We thank you for your continued support.
National Reconciliation Week 2021: More than a Word – Reconciliation Takes Action
Last week was National Reconciliation Week and as a nation a time to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements and how we can all contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia. Much like our Catholic tradition, reconciliation is about respectful and healing relationships. Today our Year 4 class attended a Reconciliation Week event for schools run by The City of Unley in conjunction with IMBALA - representing Peramangk people in the Adelaide Hills, who showcase traditional music and dance. The class read a book titled ‘Finding Our Heart- A story about the Uluru Statement for young Australians’ written by Thomas Mayor. After reading the text, the students brainstormed ways that they can all take action for Reconciliation. They will share these ideas at this morning’s presentation. Some of the suggestions included:
‘We will take action by learning about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures’.
‘We will take action by calling out racism.’
‘We will take action by teaching others what we know about the truth of Australia’s history.’
‘We will take action by asking lots of questions.’
Religious Education around the classes
Our learners have been engaging in some meaningful Religious Education lessons this term. Our Year 3’s have been creating teaspoon prayers (tsp: thank you, sorry, please) as a way of writing personal prayers. Here are a few examples.
Dear Jesus, thank you for my family and friends to love. Sorry for my sins I have made. Please help me to be kind. Amen
Dear Lord, thank you for the trees because we get oxygen. Sorry for lying to my mum and dad. Please forgive me for lying to my family. Amen
In the Early Years, Father Denis has continued his visits exploring stories such as the Good Samaritan and the Lost Son as well as sharing varied images of the life and times of Jesus. The students have delighted in the presentations asking insightful questions and making wonderful connections with their classroom learning.
Our Year 6 students have been exploring the Trinity and the Creeds while our Year 5 learners have been discussing healing miracles and the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. In our Year 4 class, the learning has centred around the Eucharist with the students researching fundamental elements of this important and sustaining sacrament.
Wishing you a great week ahead.
“Educating the mind without education the heart is no education at all.” (Aristotle)
God bless,
Kelly Manera
Assistant Principal Religious Identity and Mission

The recent Ordination of now Fr Tony Simbel was a beautiful, uplifting ceremony. It was lovely to celebrate with Fr Tony and the visiting Passionists his commitment to serving God as a priest and all God’s creation.
The transition from the Season of Easter to Ordinary Time is a busy time in the church. We’ve celebrated Pentecost – the coming of the Holy Spirit to the apostles, the Holy Trinity – acknowledging the three entities of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit and this weekend the Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ. Each celebration reminds us of the relationship we share with God. Our challenge is to be inclusive and generous in our relationships with each other and creation.
As we enter the winter months, we look forward to the shared opportunity of learning to knit together. If you would like more information, please contact Pauline via the parish office or Kelly Manera via the school office.
Pauline Connell
Pastoral Associate

Catholic Schools Lacrosse Carnival
Next Monday 7 June, 43 students from Years 3 to Year 6 will participate in the annual Catholic Schools Lacrosse Carnival to be held at Barratt Reserve, West Beach. Students have been preparing for this carnival for some weeks now in their weekly PE Lessons, learning the rules and practising the basic skills of the game. They are looking forward to the opportunity to apply their new learning in a game situation playing against other schools with their team-mates.
Jeanette Archer
PE and Sport Coordinator

Reminder school fees
Instalment Term 1 - Due Date 1 March– Overdue
Instalment Term 2 - Due Date 1 May – Overdue
Instalment Term 3 - Due Date 1 August
Instalment Term 4 - Due Date 1 November
Families are reminded to adhere to payment terms.
If you have any queries regarding school fees, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Thank you.
Jodi Jansons
Finance Officer
Ph: 8272 2368

Our Parents and Friends Committee invite you to a working bee on the afternoon of Saturday 19 June from 1pm to 4pm. We would love to see as many of our families on the day as can make it. Children are welcome to help or play. Please bring your gardening tools including spades, shovels, weeding gear, gloves etc. We will be providing a delicious and well earned afternoon tea for all our kind volunteers. Please RSVP via our Facebook event here.
Important Dates
Principal’s Tour
Growing with Gratitude
Lacrosse Carnival
Queen's Birthday Public Holiday
School Board Meeting
Principal’s Tour
Term 2 concludes
Pupil Free Day - Staff Professional Learning
National Reconciliation Week 2021: More than a Word – Reconciliation Takes Action

Last week was National Reconciliation Week. Please read Kelly Manera's Religious Education News to find out how our school recognised this important event.
Parish Bulletin

The latest Parish Bulletin is available here.
Premier's Reading Challenge

Congratulation to Daniel H and Gracie N for completing their challenge.
Keep us informed

We value your child's learning. Please let your child's teacher know if you are intending to go on holiday during the school term. It is a Government of South Australia requirement that an Application for Exemption from School form is completed, and approved by the Principal, for students who will not be attending school for a family holiday/travel during school time. Forms are available from the school office.

Scholastic Book Club orders (Issue 4) are due by Wednesday 16 June 2021. We are unable to accept late orders.
Mary MacKillop College

Further information regarding school tours and events is available here.
Gifted Awareness Week
Gifted Awareness Week is May 22-30 and Catholic Education SA offered our learners the opportunity to participate in two competitions – ‘Gifted Awareness Lego Competition’ and ‘Gifted Awareness Art Competition’.
The theme of the Art competition is ‘I love my brain because……….’ and the theme of the Lego competition is ‘Marble Maze’.
A number of our learners chose to participate and had so much fun creating their mazes and art pieces!
We wish all the participants good luck in the competition. Winners will be announced by 30 June.