Our Principal

Dedicated to Child-Centred Learning


Putting the Child First in Education

In a world where education can sometimes lose sight of the child, one principal in South Australia is making waves with her unwavering commitment to child-centred learning. Mrs Emma Fowler, has taken the helm of our school and places the needs and well-being of each student at the forefront.


Inspired by Strong Role Models

Emma's journey is deeply rooted in her family's history. Her great-great-grandmother, Annie Brice, was taught to read and write by the renowned Mary MacKillop. These strong women have been Emma's inspiration, instilling in her the belief that every child deserves a quality education, and that the child should always be the central focus, not a commodity.


Seeing the World Through Children's Eyes

For Emma, the best part of teaching is witnessing the sheer joy on children's faces. She believes that being able to see the world through their eyes is a precious gift, one that she is dedicated to preserving and nurturing. "The smiles of the children are infectious," Emma says, "and I am honoured to be a part of their educational journey."


Equipping Students for the Future

Emma is future-focused, determined to ensure that each child is equipped with the skills they need to thrive. She is passionate about making quality education accessible to all, regardless of background or circumstance. Her unwavering commitment to child-centred learning is a testament to her belief that every child deserves the opportunity to reach their full potential.


A Beacon of Hope in Education

In a landscape where the child can sometimes become lost in the system, Emma Fowler stands as a beacon of hope, reminding us all that the heart of education should always be the child. Her dedication to her students is a testament to the transformative power of child-centred learning.