
"Watching our students build resilience and confidence is a fantastic result for them."


At St Raphael's School we value the wellbeing of all.

We work to ensure all of our students thrive in our community. We are a small school where every child is known by name and by heart.

Every child matters as we work to bring about the common good of our community – a place where everyone’s needs are met and all are able to flourish in community.  

Our focus on the development of learner agency and key capabilities provides students with the skills to know and understand themselves as learners and people.  



We support mental and physical health.

We use curriculum programs such as the Health and PE Curriculum and the Keeping Safe Child Protection Curriculum, as well as opportunities for mindfulness and meditation, sport, art and music, to teach children how to care for their own physical and mental health. In addition we have stringent work, health and safety measures in place to ensure the physical and mental health of all is prioritised.

Children are able to access our onsite school counsellor if the need arises to further support their wellbeing.

We also prioritise connectedness and belonging through social and emotional education programs, collaborative learning experiences, prayer and liturgy experiences, Lego Club, Drama Club, buddy classes, whole school assemblies and celebrations.